C.S.I. is an acclaimed, edgy, fast-paced drama series about a passionate team of forensic investigators (among them William Petersen and Marg Helgenberger) who work the graveyard shift at the Las Vegas Criminalistics Bureau. Their job - to find the missing pieces at the scene that will help to solve the crime and vindicate those who often cannot speak for themselves - the victims.
Between the hidden clues and the buried motives lies the trail to the truth because people lie... but the evidence never does.
This fantastic boxed set contains every episode from the fourth season.
Episodes comprise:
1. Assume Nothing
2. All for Our Country
3. Homebodies
4. Feeling the Heat
5. Fur and Loathing
6. Jackpot
7. Invisible Evidence
8. After the Show
9. Grissom Versus the Volcano
10. Coming of Rage
11. Eleven Angry Jurors
12. Butterflied
13. Suckers
14. Paper or Plastic
15. Early Rollout
16. Getting Off
17. XX
18. Bad to the Bone
19. Bad Words
20. Dead Ringer
21. Turn of the Screws
22. No More Bets
23. Bloodlines
(6 Disc)
Production Year: 2004
Starring: William L. Petersen ; Gary Dourdan ; Jorja Fox ; Paul Guilfoyle ; Marg Helgenberger ; Scott Wilson ; David Berman ; Stephen Root ; Nathan Wetherington ; Xander Berkeley ; Martin Donovan ; Nina Siemaszko ; Michael Reilly Burke ; Scott Wilson