A new series about LIFE...the After life!
When a rogue toilet-seat falls from the MIR space station, hitting and killing 18 year-old George Lass, she discovers that death is nothing like she thought it would be... Bestowed with the powers of a Grim Reaper, George sets about collecting the souls of others before they die - not without some reluctance!
Initiated into this secretive society of soul collectors, George eventually comes to terms with the ghoulish duties with which she has been assigned with the help of her new boss, Rube. She must, however, reconcile certain unresolved issues which still linger from her life among the living before she is allowed to 'move on'.
Featuring all the episodes from season 1.
Episodes comprise:
1. Dead Girl Walking
2. Curious George
3. Reapercussions
4. Reaping Havoc
5. My Room
6. Reaper Madness
7. A Cook
8. Sunday Mornings
9. Business Unfinished
10. The Bicycle Thief
11. Nighthawks
12. Vacation
13. Rest in Peace
(4 Disc)
Production Year: 2003
Starring: Ellen Muth ; Rebecca Gayheart ; Callum Blue ; Jasmine Guy ; Laura Harris ; Greg Kean ; Britt McKillip ; Mandy Patinkin ; Cynthia Stevenson ; Christine Willes ; C. Ernst Harth ; Michael Eklund ; Mary Ann Mobley ; Jackie Burroughs ; Harold Perrineau