this spin-off TV show follows the story of freelance programmer Angela Bennett (Brooke Langton), who receives a mysterious email, leading her into an internet chat room with 'The Sorcerer'. Within minutes, her bank account has been closed, her credit cards have been cancelled and she's been arrested. For some reason everyone believes she is Elizabeth Marx, an international criminal of some repute.
Everyone she knows is dead and her former life no longer exists for all intents and purposes. However, when she is released by a NSA agent claiming to know who set her up, Angela sets out to prove her innocence while evading the evil forces at work.
Episodes Comprise:
1. Deleted
2. North by Northwestern
3. Transplant
4. Bulls and Bears
5. Death of an Angel
6. Kill the Buddha
7. Fireball
8. Jump Vector
9. Go Like You Know
10. Harvest
11. Diamonds Aren't Forever
12. Pandora's Box
13. Sample
14. Lucy's Life
15. Pay the Line
16. Lunatic Fringe
17. In Dreams
18. Y2K: Total System Failure
19. Zero
20. Last Man Standing
21. Chem Club
(6 Disc)
Production Year: 1999
Starring: Brooke Langton ; Jim Byrnes ; Joseph Bottoms ; Kelli Taylor ; Mackenzie Gray ; Dion Luther ; Eric Szmanda ; William Katt ; Jim Byrnes ; Zach Galligan ; Jeffrey Combs ; Chris Owens ; Nick Corri ; Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson ; Bruce Abbott