
Movie ID: 2379

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Genre: Animation & Family

Type: Animation,Comedy,Adventure


A brave-but-undersized pigeon, named Valiant, dreams of joining the elite Royal Homing Pigeon Service and serving crown and country during World War II. Despite his small stature, Valiant's ambitions are enormous as he keeps a stiff upper beak and endures rigorous training in preparation for a dangerous mission to deliver vital messages to troops behind enemy lines. With a shortage of wingpower in... Language: Arabic & English االلغـــــــــــــــــــــة: عربي ,انجليزي Subtitles: Arabic & English الترجمه : عربي ,انجليزي Production Year: 2005 Running Time: 1 hour(s) 16 minutes Starring: Sean Samuels, Michael Schlingmann, Buckley Collum, Annette Badland, harriet jones



Translation: Not Sure
