American Dad! (from Family Guy creator, Seth MacFarlane) is the animated story of Stan Smith, who works for the CIA and is constantly on the alert for terrorist activity. Stan will go to extremes to protect his beloved America from harm - as evidenced by the terror-alert color code on his fridge, and his frequent knee-jerk reaction of shooting holes in the toaster whenever the toast pops up.
Episodes Comprise:
1. Bush Comes to Dinner
2. American Dream Factory
3. A.T. The Abusive Terrestrial
4. Black Mystery Month
5. An Apocalypse to Remember
6. Four Little Words
7. When a Stan Loves a Woman
8. I Can't Stan You
9. The Magnificent Steven
10. Joint Custody
11. The Vacation Goo
12. Meter Made
13. Dope and Faith
14. Big Trouble in Little Langley
15. Haylias
16. The 42 Year Old Virgin
17. Surro-Gate
18. Franny 911
(3 Disc)
(3 Disc)
Production Year: 2008
Starring: Voiced by: Seth MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal, Scott Grimes, Rachael MacFarlane & Dee Bradley Baker