Yujiro Hanma wreaks havoc in the ring as Baki ushers in the first match of the Quarterfinals. However, both immediately encounter the unexpected. While Yujiro is caught off guard by his opponent's strength, Baki gets confronted with the most difficult decision of his life.
Meanwhile, a man known as Doctor Buren is on the verge of the greatest breakthrough in the history of human strength training. His serum could give man power beyond the capabilities of any living creature... and a volunteer has just stepped up for the first trial.
Feel the fury as Baki's physical battles become mental wars and a frightening conclusion in unveiled... there is no turning back.
37: Misdirection
38: Deception
39: The Ace and the Serpent
40: How To Build A Better Monster
Production Year: 2005
Running Time: 1 hour(s) 30 minutes
Starring: Bob Carter, Kyle Hebert, Jeff D. Johnson